Azure Cloud Archives - Terminal B, LLC IT Simplified Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:22:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Azure Cloud Archives - Terminal B, LLC 32 32 How To Know If Cloud Asset Management Is Right For Your Company Sun, 22 Jan 2023 00:36:25 +0000 First of all, let’s define what is meant by the term cloud asset management. There’s no question that it’s a huge benefit to be able to access the cloud from any physical location using any electronic device. However, as is the case with physical data storage, there is generally some kind of requirement for secure…

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First of all, let’s define what is meant by the term cloud asset management. There’s no question that it’s a huge benefit to be able to access the cloud from any physical location using any electronic device. However, as is the case with physical data storage, there is generally some kind of requirement for secure storage and access, and that’s where asset management comes in.

Cloud asset management attempts to solve the issues of secure storage and access, and the way that it manages business-critical data securely on the cloud. Most businesses will employ a number of different asset management solutions in order to control and effectively administer their digital assets, but a cloud-based solution will generally be superior to an in-house solution because of its more robust security features, as well as its ease of administration. All businesses will require total control of their business assets on the cloud. By employing a safe asset management solution, many different teams within your business can easily access needed data and monitor their assets effectively.

Importance of The Right Asset Management

Cloud asset management is necessary so as to safeguard business-critical data, and to ensure that it can be accessed by business teams from any geographic location. When you have complete control of your business assets, it becomes easier to run your business operation and provide the access needed by relevant teams within your company. If you didn’t have this kind of control over your cloud assets, it could cause improper handling of data considered to be business-critical.

For example, you certainly wouldn’t want this information to be accessed by people whom it was not intended for. Having a great asset management tool will help to avoid security lapses, and at the same time ensure smooth business operations. Cloud asset management will also allow you to stay on top of your business assets, so they can be tracked and managed effectively. If you didn’t have this kind of tight control, it could easily lead to overspending and a general loss of business productivity.

Is It Right for Your Company?

As a general rule of thumb, deciding on the right asset management approach often follows the size of the business you have currently. For example, if your business is a smaller one with limited physical and digital assets, you may be able to get by with an in-house asset management system fairly well. Larger organizations will generally have a greater need for cloud asset management, because they have a great many more physical and digital assets that need to be managed and tightly controlled.

If you think your business would benefit by some of the most notable advantages of cloud asset management, you should contact a provider like ours and seek additional information on how it can benefit your specific organization. You’ll have improved access for business requirements like remote work, you’ll have all data stored and managed from a single location, you’ll be able to include attached images and records using cloud-based tools, and it will be much easier to manage large data sets effectively.

If your business is a relatively large one, and these benefits would be of real value to your organization, you should strongly consider implementing a program of cloud asset management.

Let us Know How We Can Help Solve Your Cloud Asset Management Needs

If you’re considering an initiative for cloud asset management in San Antonio, you should contact us today so we can discuss the benefits of Microsoft Azure. You’ll notice the tremendous advantages of having complete control over your business assets and critical data, and you may even end up saving money because you’ll have greater control and visibility over all assets.

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How Does Desktop As A Service Work — And Is It Right For You? Tue, 20 Dec 2022 20:58:34 +0000 Desktop as a Service (DaaS) rose to prominence during the pandemic which afflicted the entire globe, and is even today still making its presence felt. During this time, remote teams proved they could still be productive and successful, regardless of where they were working and how spread out they were from the central company. In…

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Desktop as a Service (DaaS) rose to prominence during the pandemic which afflicted the entire globe, and is even today still making its presence felt. During this time, remote teams proved they could still be productive and successful, regardless of where they were working and how spread out they were from the central company. In the aftermath of all that, companies are having to scramble in order to facilitate the technological needs of both remote workers and hybrid workers.

Desktop-as-a-service can fill in the gaps nicely here and provide the needed services for workers. At its heart, DaaS is a secure, high-performance, efficient method of desktop virtualization. It frees businesses from having their computer operating systems tied to physical hardware, and instead allows businesses to use DaaS as a means of accessing virtual desktops on the Internet by using a cloud provider. Cloud providers who offer this type of service can manage virtual desktops directly from their own centralized data centers.

Benefits provided by DaaS

Here are some of the most notable and beneficial advantages of implementing a DaaS service, such as Azure Virtual Desktop for your company:

Lowers IT costs – DaaS solutions can save your company a great deal of money by shifting the cost of on-premises hardware and software to a cloud-based environment where desktops can be purchased as needed.

Increased security – There are fewer security risks posed by DaaS, because the data will all reside directly at the cloud providers’ datacenter, as opposed to being stored on tablets, desktops, or phones used by employees.

Facilitates remote work – With the steadily rising popularity of remote work, a different approach is necessary to access data and applications. Using a DaaS like Azure Virtual Desktop, IT teams can easily move between platforms, and access needed data from multiple machines, regardless of their physical location.

Extend shelf-life of legacy machines – Companies which can’t afford to upgrade all their outdated machines will have the option instead to use DaaS to install a brand-new operating system on all machines. Serving this new operating system from the cloud is far more affordable than replacing all your on-premises equipment simultaneously.

Supports bring-your-own-device (BYOD) – Using DaaS, a bring-your-own-device policy can be supported, so employees are not obliged to only use company-issued devices or to use the same device at all times. This means employees can use their own laptops, tablets, and phones to accomplish work projects and tasks.

Simplifies desktop management – The administrative load can be significantly reduced by outsourcing the deployment, configuration, and management of any company’s virtual desktops. It’s also much easier to scale up or down using DaaS, so it won’t be necessary to manage that in-house.

Is DaaS right for you?

If your company is one that has a significant number of employees working remotely, you should consider DaaS as one possible solution. It can make your life much easier, while also providing the services needed by your employees, in order to remain productive and successful on the job. Keep in mind that you should also be able to enjoy all the benefits described above, and these are some significant reasons for you to avail yourself of DaaS services.

Contact us today if you’re interested in finding out more about how your company can benefit by using the DaaS Azure Virtual Desktop on the cloud. We can help get you setup very quickly, so your employees can start making immediate use of remote desktop services at whatever location they happen to be at.

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11 Frequently Asked Questions About Cloud Service Sat, 19 Nov 2022 00:26:48 +0000 With many businesses already having positioned themselves on the cloud for efficiency and savings, you’d think that there’s a fairly good understanding about cloud storage and what it can do for you. Even though 94% of all businesses use at least some form of cloud service, only about 50% of all corporations currently store their…

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With many businesses already having positioned themselves on the cloud for efficiency and savings, you’d think that there’s a fairly good understanding about cloud storage and what it can do for you. Even though 94% of all businesses use at least some form of cloud service, only about 50% of all corporations currently store their business-critical data there. That means many companies are still in the process or considering a move to the cloud. Here are some of the questions most often asked about cloud computing, and the answers may be helpful in having you reach a decision for your own business.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How safe is the cloud?

A: While the cloud is subject to constant attack from cyber criminals, most providers have some excellent security measures in place. When negotiating with a particular provider, be sure to find out what kind of security they have in place.

Q: Is cloud storage still popular?

A: Absolutely. It is currently a $370 billion dollar business, and by the year 2025 it is expected to soar to the astronomical level of $832 billion.

Q: How many companies actually use cloud service currently?

A: Approximately 94% of all companies use some kind of cloud services, even if they don’t have their company data stored there.

Q: What’s the difference between private, public, and hybrid clouds?

A: Private clouds are only used by a single enterprise, which means they would then maintain all the hardware and infrastructure. A public cloud is used by multiple businesses, and none of these would be responsible for any kind of maintenance. A hybrid cloud is one which allows you to use both a private cloud and a public one when it is advantageous for you to do so.

Q: How much data is actually stored on the cloud?

A: By the time 2025 rolls around, there will be more than 100 zettabytes stored on the cloud. A zettabyte is equivalent to one billion terabytes, or one trillion gigabytes. Also by 2025, there will be more than 200 zettabytes of data stored on all media, with half that being on the cloud.

Q: Who is the biggest provider of cloud services?

A: At present, the largest provider of cloud services is Amazon Web Services. Amazon has about 31% of the total market share, which is considerable, given the number of companies making use of the service.

Q: Which geographic region has the biggest share of cloud computing services?

A: By far, North America uses the biggest share of cloud services, at a whopping 61%. The next closest area would be Western Europe, at a distant 21%.

Q: How did COVID-19 impact cloud services?

A: COVID-19 caused a sudden flock of businesses to join the cloud, because so many workers were obliged to do remote work at that time.

Q: What is a data warehouse?

A: It is a setup which can incorporate both current and historical data, because businesses often have a need for detailed analysis of data. A data warehouse is capable of handling all these needs, because it is designed to handle long-range data needs over a period of time.

Q: What is microservices architecture?

A: This type of architecture allows a very large application to be broken down into smaller, functional applications so that services can be provided to the requestor much more quickly and efficiently.

Q: What are containers?

A: These are self-contained packages including all the elements necessary to run in virtually any kind of computing environment. Development teams often make use of containers, because they facilitate rapid development and efficient deployment.

Ready to join the cloud?

At some point in the near future, most businesses will be situated on the cloud. Now is the time for your company to make the move, and realize some of the same advantages and benefits that other companies have been enjoying for years already. You will probably save money on monthly operating costs, and you’ll gain some remarkable efficiencies while doing so. Contact us today to get setup for the exciting world of cloud service.

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Why Cloud Asset Management is the Future Sat, 15 Oct 2022 17:21:58 +0000 Cloud asset management is a collective process that a number of medium and large company make use of for tracking their software licenses. However, it can be even more than that, because it can also be used to deploy patches, applications, updates, and even entire operating systems to various devices. Software Asset Management (SAM) is…

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Cloud asset management is a collective process that a number of medium and large company make use of for tracking their software licenses. However, it can be even more than that, because it can also be used to deploy patches, applications, updates, and even entire operating systems to various devices.

Software Asset Management (SAM) is already popular on the cloud, but it will become much more so in the future, as more companies migrate their applications. When you’re looking for a new IT services provider, one of the factors you should consider is if the provider can offer software asset management as a cloud-based service. In this discussion, we’ll provide some insights as to why cloud asset management is the wave of the future, and why it’s here to stay.

Benefits of Cloud Asset Management

Cloud-based asset management can leverage the Internet’s bandwidth for better monitoring, metering, and delivery. When you can set up your SAM by placing the system in a public cloud space, it allows end processes to occur on the user’s personal bandwidth. Even though this last leg of the delivery of process is the only part that occurs on an employee’s personal bandwidth, it does remove the onus from the corporate network bandwidth. That leaves the corporate network available for monitoring, server patching, administration, operating system delivery, and any other maintenance activities that are necessary.

Some of the benefits of cloud management can be traced to the fact that cloud management itself is a vehicle that will free up your company from some of the mundane daily activities and allow you to focus on your business’s core needs. With your software being managed on the cloud, it removes it from your list of local responsibilities, and allows your employees to exclusively work in their specialty areas. Whenever any kind of integration is necessary, your host provider will be carrying it out via the cloud, while you await the successful completion of the task.

Fly in the ointment? 

Probably the only reason why cloud-based SAM hasn’t taken the world by storm thus far is the fact that many companies still have an abiding mistrust of cloud computing. And the reason why managers and executives haven’t fully embraced the cloud is their concern over security. Yes, security is an issue, but cloud-based services are better protected than local services. In other words, your data is even safer on the cloud than it is on your own localized, small network. When more managers come to realize this, the fly in the ointment will be removed, and there will be even more of a rush to embrace cloud computing and cloud-based SAM.

Contact Us 

It can be painstaking and difficult to find the right I.T. services provider, but you should start your search by narrowing it to companies proficient in Cloud Asset Management. Contact Terminal B today to find out how our adoption of cloud asset management can be a huge benefit to your company, and how we can make your data assets secure against attacks and corruption.

The post Why Cloud Asset Management is the Future appeared first on Terminal B, LLC.

FAQs About Cloud Asset Management Sat, 06 Aug 2022 20:40:00 +0000 Cloud asset management has become the industry standard and for good reason. From protecting your data to providing access, utilizing the cloud to store your company’s data makes sense.  However, some people still have questions about the safety and security of using the cloud. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions: What is the…

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Cloud asset management has become the industry standard and for good reason. From protecting your data to providing access, utilizing the cloud to store your company’s data makes sense.

 However, some people still have questions about the safety and security of using the cloud. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What is the cloud?

The cloud is a collection of remote servers that are used to store, manage, and process data. Cloud asset management refers to the process of managing these assets.

How does it work?

Cloud asset management works by storing an organization’s data, applications, and other digital assets in a remote location known as the “cloud.” Storing data this way provides organizations with increased security, scalability, and flexibility.

Why should I use it?

There are many reasons why you should consider using cloud asset management. One of the main benefits is that it can help you save money. It can also help you improve your company’s security and compliance posture.

What are the benefits?

Cloud asset management provides many benefits, including:

  • Cost savings: It can help you save money by reducing the need for on-premises hardware and software.
  • Improved security: It can help improve your company’s security posture by providing control over data access and by encrypting data.
  • Improved compliance: You can help improve your company’s compliance posture by providing a central repository for data and by auditing data access.

Is my data safe in the cloud?

Yes, your data is safe in the cloud. In fact, it’s more secure than keeping it on your premises. Cloud providers have strict security measures in place to protect your data. And, if you choose a reputable provider, they will have a team of security experts constantly monitoring the safety of your data.

What happens if my internet connection goes down?

If your internet connection goes down, your data will still be safe in the cloud. Cloud providers have multiple servers located around the world. So, even if one server is down, your data will still be accessible from another server.

How do I know who has access to my data?

When you store your data in the cloud, you have complete control over who has access to it. You can give different levels of access to different people and you can revoke access at any time.

What if I need to delete my data?

Deleting data from the cloud is just as easy as deleting it from your own computer. You can delete individual files or you can delete your entire account if you no longer need it.

What are the challenges?

Cloud asset management can present some challenges, including:

  • Security: Cloud asset management can provide improved security, but it is important to ensure that data is properly secured and users don’t compromise company security protocols.
  • Compliance: While cloud asset management can help improve compliance, you need to ensure that data is properly audited.
  • Management: It can be complex, and you should have the right tools and processes in place to manage data effectively.

Cloud asset management has become the industry standard for managing data and it is a powerful tool that can help you save money, improve security, and improve compliance. For more information, schedule a consultation with Terminal B.

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What You Should Know About Azure Virtual Desktop Thu, 04 Aug 2022 20:49:00 +0000 Azure Virtual Desktop is a great solution for small business owners who need to access their applications and data from anywhere. With it, you can access your files and applications from any device, such as your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. If you’re a small business owner, Azure Virtual Desktop is worth considering as…

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Azure Virtual Desktop is a great solution for small business owners who need to access their applications and data from anywhere. With it, you can access your files and applications from any device, such as your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

If you’re a small business owner, Azure Virtual Desktop is worth considering as a solution for your business needs. It offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Easy installation and setup
  • Flexible pricing options
  • Scalability to meet your needs
  • 24/7 support from Microsoft

Azure is comprehensive solution

Formerly branded as Windows Virtual Desktop, Azure Virtual Desktop is a comprehensive desktop virtualization solution that has proven to be reliable and easy to use. It is available in both Azure Public Cloud and Azure Stack.

Using the virtual desktop on your computer is very easy and the process is straightforward. You can use it by signing into your Azure account and then selecting the “Virtual Desktop” option. After that, you will be able to select the type of subscription that you want and then choose the number of virtual machines that you need.

If you want to use the virtual desktop on your smartphone, you can download the Azure Remote App from the App Store or Google Play. With Azure Remote App, you can access your Azure Virtual Desktop applications and data from your smartphone.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, you simply log in and then select the desktop that you want to access. After that, you will be able to use all of your applications and data just as if you were using your computer.

A virtual desktop is particularly convenient if you need to use a laptop or borrow a desktop at another location.  You can easily connect to it and have full access to all of your applications and files. For security reasons, you will also want to be sure to log out if you are using Azure on a computer that is not your own.

AVD is a great solution for remote work

Businesses with a remote workforce will appreciate Azure Virtual Desktop because it offers the ability to connect to work applications and data from anywhere. It is also a scalable solution, so you can add or remove virtual machines as your business needs change.

Setting up AVD is relatively easy.  You just need to sign in to Azure, create a resource group, set up your virtual network and subnet, and then create your desktop pool. Program costs can vary based on the number of users, but Azure offers a variety of subscription options to fit your budget.

Like all Microsoft products, AVD is regularly updated.  Azure automatically applies the latest security patches and updates, so you can be confident that your data is always protected. 

If you have questions about how this solution can work for your business, contact Terminal B today to learn more about how we can help you get started. Our IT consultants can help you identify if a virtual desktop will be the right solution for you.

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Top Reasons to Migrate Your Company to the Cloud Thu, 21 Oct 2021 00:41:48 +0000 Businesses and IT enterprises alike are transitioning more from on-site IT systems to the cloud and are likewise making more use of cloud computing consulting services. The global pandemic has added more momentum to the cloud migration trend, with businesses spending 36.4 billion on cloud-based solutions in just three months in 2020.  But what is…

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Businesses and IT enterprises alike are transitioning more from on-site IT systems to the cloud and are likewise making more use of cloud computing consulting services. The global pandemic has added more momentum to the cloud migration trend, with businesses spending 36.4 billion on cloud-based solutions in just three months in 2020. 

But what is the cloud, exactly? Traditionally, business owners and managers have invested in buying IT hardware for their business’s IT infrastructures, such as servers and storage, that are kept and managed on-site. When we talk about the cloud, we are talking about access over the internet operated by dedicated cloud hosts and cloud computing consulting groups.

The job of the cloud hosts is to keep the servers and each client’s business infrastructure running efficiently with the latest data security protocols. Migrating to the cloud isn’t a complex decision when you’re working with a dedicated managed cloud service provider because they function like your own in-house IT department.

Why Companies are Moving to the Cloud

So why are so many companies moving their data and business infrastructure to the cloud? 

The main reasons include: 

  • Lowering IT Costs 
  • Improving Business Agility
  • Better Security 
  • Improving Scalability
  • Storage Space

Below is a little more detail regarding these points.

Lowering IT Costs 

Moving IT infrastructure to the cloud allows businesses to stop wasteful spending on hardware that they may not need. Rather than estimate the future hardware requirements of their business’s IT infrastructure and then purchase or lease the required equipment, migrating to the cloud gives businesses much more flexibility.  

Cloud providers can provide the right amount of IT resources based on the business’s real-time requirements as they migrate more data and infrastructure to the cloud instead of relying on preliminary estimates. This also means that last-minute adjustments are extremely easy to make, and a business’s infrastructure capabilities will not limit its growth in the future.

Improving Business Agility 

The global economy demands that businesses run at peak performance without interruptions. And when a problem occurs, companies can no longer afford to wait days, weeks, or even months on new hardware or a hardware specialist.

Migrating to the cloud improves a business’s agility because when an issue occurs, there is a fully qualified IT professional on the other end of the cloud who can diagnose the problem and provide instant fixes. This accessibility reduces unwanted downtime and interruptions for a more agile and resilient system. 

Better Security 

One of Deloitte’s latest surveys of over 500 IT executives showed that security and data protection were the number-one reasons businesses migrated to the cloud. 58 percent of their respondents ranked security and data protection as a top priority, which is understandable since the cloud allows companies to: 

  • Modernize IT infrastructure for better protection.
  • Implement the latest best practices in data protection.
  • Gain access to 24/7 monitoring services from their cloud provider.
  • Customize their IT security based on their particular operation. 
  • Leverage the latest technologies as new security innovations appear.

Business Scalability and Storage

Business growth relies on organic expansion, mergers, or acquisitions, and infrastructure must keep up with increasing demand. New investments need to be integrated into existing business platforms. Cloud computing consulting groups and cloud storage makes growth processes seamless and can also provide businesses instantly with additional storage space as they need it.

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What Is the Difference Between a Data Center and Cloud Computing? Tue, 01 Sep 2020 13:00:00 +0000 Until recently, businesses have relied on on-premises data centers to house their servers, data, and applications. But systems for hosting data pipelines are now available entirely in the cloud. As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced so many businesses to adopt cloud-based services almost overnight, many business leaders are facing the question of whether they should…

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Until recently, businesses have relied on on-premises data centers to house their servers, data, and applications. But systems for hosting data pipelines are now available entirely in the cloud.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced so many businesses to adopt cloud-based services almost overnight, many business leaders are facing the question of whether they should continue to rely on data centers or move their data storage and processing to the cloud. In this article we take you through the respective features of data centers and the cloud, the key differences between the two options for data storage and processing, and which one is better for your business.

What’s a data center?

A data center is a building or space used to house infrastructure such as computer hardware, as well as telecommunications and storage systems. On-premises data centers store, process, and distribute an organization’s data via a network of computers. A team of professional IT experts is responsible for managing the data center.

What is the cloud?

Microsoft defines cloud computing as the delivery of computing services such as databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence over the Internet (“the cloud”). The purpose is to speed up innovation, make resources more flexible, and enhance economies of scale. Businesses generally pay only for the cloud services they use. As an IBM article points out, in addition to offering metered services, cloud computing allows companies to scale up or down quickly and to gain self-service access to IT resources.

What are the differences?

The key differences between a data center and cloud computing can be defined in the areas of architecture and accessibility, security and control, capacity and scalability, and maintenance and cost.

  • Architecture & Accessibility

    The traditional data center is in a physical site on-premises, meaning that all of its functionality is accessible within enterprise office space. A data center could be as simple as a few computers under a desk, or it could involve a climate-controlled room lined with servers, or even an entire building. It is managed by an in-house IT team employed and paid by the business that owns it.

    The cloud is a virtual environment with no physical presence for the end user. Their network will be based on a virtual ‘cloud server’, accessible only via the internet. The physical servers and other infrastructure that run this virtual network are located wherever the cloud service provider chooses to put them – usually where they can be maintained as securely and cheaply as possible. Sometimes called a ‘server farm’, this central storage and processing facility is managed by a third-party company or the service provider.

  • Security & Control

    Security is often mentioned as a drawback of cloud computing because the cloud is internet-based and perceived to be more vulnerable to data breaches and privacy invasions. Data centers are perceived to offer greater inherent security because they are based in-house and can restrict access more easily. However, with rapid developments in encryption and other security protocols, cloud security risks are now on par or less than traditional data centers.

    With the cloud, security, DevOps, and operations teams must ensure appropriate security controls are in place. Built-in security layers must be incorporated at every level from the data center to the operating system. Other measures include cutting-edge physical security and regular vulnerability scans carried out by highly skilled specialists.

  • Capacity & Scalability

    A data center’s capacity is limited by its physical storage, power, and cooling requirements. However, users can access unlimited capacity with cloud computing. And if your organization’s capacity requirements change suddenly, you can scale up or down almost instantly and easily to meet your changing demands. These kinds of flexible, scalable storage and compute services are not available with data centers.

  • Maintenance & Cost

    Planning and building a traditional data center is time-consuming and costly, and hardware obsolescence will incur further expenses over time. On the other hand, initial outlay for cloud computing is generally low and, as the infrastructure costs are borne by the cloud provider, there are no hardware-lifecycle expenses to consider. Customers pay for the resources they use, reducing the overall cost of ownership while simplifying accounting and financial planning. The provider also administers and maintains the cloud data center, so you don’t have to worry about software updates or repair during downtime or outages.

Cloud computing in the age of remote work

The rapid shift to remote working has accelerated the move to cloud computing. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Gartner had predicted that worldwide public cloud services would grow by 17 % in 2020. The demands of remote working applications and workloads are difficult to meet with the restricted capacity of physical data centers. Furthermore, almost all new digital solutions require the agility and power of a cloud platform to deliver optimal results.

Which Is Right for Your Business?

Your choices of cloud computing include public, private, or a hybrid of both. The decision depends on your business. You can learn more about these options and the pros and cons of cloud computing here.

However, if your architecture is too complex to move or the costs outweigh the benefits in your case, cloud may not be the optimum choice for you. You may be better off sticking to the traditional data-center model.


Terminal B has been a trusted provider of Microsoft’s key business productivity cloud platforms for more than a decade. Our clients value our reliability and emphasis on security, with multiple third-party audits validating the performance of our data center. If you are still considering moving to the cloud, or you are in the cloud-migration process, we can make the process easier and more transparent.

If you are running on the cloud already, we can help you deal with every obstacle, tracking your requirements so that you can harness all the benefits of this powerful technology. Contact us to learn more about how Terminal B’s Cloud Services can make your organization more productive and secure.

However, if your architecture is too complex to move or the costs outweigh the benefits in your case, cloud may not be the optimum choice for you. You may be better off sticking to the traditional data-center model.

The post What Is the Difference Between a Data Center and Cloud Computing? appeared first on Terminal B, LLC.

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